Website – Knowledge Base Mon, 12 Feb 2024 06:16:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Website – Knowledge Base 32 32 Create Sub/Addon Domain Mon, 12 Feb 2024 06:14:35 +0000 Before creating Sub/Addon domain you need to create at least 1 website. Create website using our guide:

For any user the first website is set as the default website for that user. Please keep that in mind, because it will help you understand this document later.

Now, let say your main website is:

Main site:

Sub-domains can be: or (please note the bold part, which means subdomain will always be part of the main domain)

Addon Domains can be: or (a completely independent domain)

Create Addon Domain

Websites -> Create Sub/Addon Domain

Note: Now please keep in mind that add-on domain will always be created under the default website of your CyberPanel.

In this image below, main domain was and addon domain is, which is why you see that the selected path will be under /home/

Create Sub-Domain

Websites -> Create Sub/Addon Domain

Note: Subdomain are part of main websites which is why you will first have to select the main website from dropdown.

As you can see I’ve selected as the main website, so my subdomain will be under that domain like and path will also fall under that selected domain unlike with addon domain where path always falls under the default website of CyberPanel.

How to Deploy a Laravel project on Cyberpanel. Sat, 16 Dec 2023 23:08:38 +0000 Setup Laravel App on your domain

To install the Laravel application first you need to install PHP composer.

Go to the terminal and run the following command.

Open the website directory from the CLI

cd /home/

Replace with your actual domain for which you want to set up a laravel app.

Then run following command to install composer

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel-app

(laravel-app) This could be any name which you want to use .

After installing the composer make a symbolic link that directs laravel-app/public_html.

First remove the public_html directory under the domain

Use following command

rm -fr public_html

Now create symbolic link to access laravel-app

Use following command

ln -s laravel-app/public public_html

The command  ” ln -s laravel-app/public public_html “ creates a symbolic link named public_html, which points to the directory laravel-app/public. This command is commonly used in Linux-based systems to create a symbolic link (shortcut) from one directory to another.

Now go to the /home/domain/ and remove the public

If Laravel application is encountering permission issues while trying to write logs or cache files

Use the following command to fix the permission.

Go to /home/

cd /home/

sudo chmod -R ugo+rw storage

If these files doesn’t exist under the directory then you have to create them manually.

Use following commands to create log files

touch /home/

then run the command to fix permission

sudo chmod -R ugo+rw storage

Now you will be able to access the Laravel app.

Subdomain Management Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:23:32 +0000 In this article, we will learn about how to create and manage subdomains in CyberPanel. Here some features included.

  1. Create Subdomain
  2. List subdomain
    • Delete subdomain
    • Issue SSL for Subdomain
    • Convert to Website

First, Login on to your CyberPanel dashboard.

Create Subdomain

Here, you can see How to create Subdomain. Go to Websites from the side menu.

Now you can see the option Create New Domain, click on Create New Domain

This will open up the new page, where you will add the details about the subdomain you want to create.

  • Choose the Website
  • Enter Name Like (
  • Select Path if you want to set the custom path, other wise you can left this empty if you want default. (Optional)
  • Select PHP version
At the end click on Create Domain. The subdomain will created successfully.

You will see the success status when the subdomain will be created., You can see this page

List subdomain

You can enlist the subdomains you created under the domains.

Go to the Websites -> List Subdomain
All the Subdomain will be listed here you can find and manage here.

Delete subdomain

The Subdomain will be deleted when you from the List Subdomain list.

Go to the Websites -> List Subdomain
Choose the Delete option under the subdomain you want to delete.

Issue SSL for Subdomain

Go to the Websites -> List Subdomain
Choose the Issue SSL option under the subdomain to apply get the ssl.

Convert to Website

You can convert the subdomain to the website here.

CyberPanel Package Management Tue, 12 Dec 2023 19:44:43 +0000 In CyberPanel, packages are essential for allocating resources to individual websites. Before creating websites, it is necessary to create at least one package.

A default package is automatically generated upon installation, but customizing packages to match specific requirements is recommended. Packages ensure that each website receives the appropriate allocation of resources, enabling efficient management within CyberPanel.

The Package Management will allow you to 

  • Create Package
  • List Packages
  • Delete Package
  • Modify Package

Step 1. Create Package

Go to the Packages -> Create Packages

It basically defies that the site will use how many resources even with FTP accounts.

Fill up the required fields with the requirements that you want. Add limits that are needed. 

  • Disk Space: 
  • Bandwidth: 
  • FTP Accounts: 
  • Database: 
  • Emails: 

Additionally in the Packages bound you Allow Creation of a Fully Qualified Domain as Child-Domains or not.

Once the package is created it can be used to create that site. To create the site under the created package.

Step 3. List Packages

All the created packages will be listed under Packages->List Packages and here it allows editing and deleting the package as well.

Step 3. Delete Package

If the package needs to be deleted then go to the Packages-> Delete Package it can be selected to delete from the list of packages.

Step 4. Modify Package

Modification in the resources is also available because sometimes sites require further resources to run. So it can be altered by navigating to Packages->Modify Package.

Website Auto Installers Thu, 07 Dec 2023 20:00:54 +0000 With CyberPanel, you can install different web applications with just one click.

Applications with Auto Install

  • WordPress
  • Git
  • Prestashop
  • Mautic

To install these applications on your site, here are the steps that must be followed:

GO To 

  • Websites
    • List websites
      • Click on Manage

This window will include site information and features.

But here the focus is on the auto-application installer, so we have to move to the end of the page.

Install Application.

Select the application you want to install.

A new page will appear for the application you want to install. Add the required information for the installation. 

In CyberPanel, I selected WordPress for installation.

Simply input the required information in the provided fields:

  1. Set Blog Title to the title of your WordPress site.
  2. Set Login User to the username who operates the site.
  3. Set Login Password to a strong password to enter your blog.
  4. Set Email to an email address for the authentication of your blog.
  5. Press the Install Now button.
Modify Website Thu, 07 Dec 2023 19:50:49 +0000 Modify Website 2. Select the domain. 3. Choose any information that you want to change. 4. Save Changes  Click on the Modify […]]]> CyberPanel offers a simple method to modify your websites. You have the flexibility to modify any information or make any desired changes to your site effortlessly.

Modify Website:

1. Go to Websites -> Modify Website

2. Select the domain.

3. Choose any information that you want to change.

  1. Select Package (If you want to change package).
  2. Select Owner (If you want to change the owner).
  3. Email (If you want update your email).
  4. PHP (If you want to change the PHP version of site)

4. Save Changes 

Click on the Modify Website to save the changes

Website File Manager Wed, 06 Dec 2023 20:11:05 +0000 CyberPanel allows you to access website root files directly from CyberPanel.

File Manager

  • Open CyberPanel Dashboard
  • Select the Websites tab from the navigation menu
  • Click on the List Websites.

You can select the file manager of the site in front of the site name that you want to access.

  • Click on File Manager

This will direct you to the website root files.

Here, you can perform multiple functions, like:

Upload file, create a new file, create a new folder, and all that you see in the below screenshot.

Website Management Tue, 05 Dec 2023 07:32:12 +0000 In this article, we will learn about how to manage a website. This is a complete tutorial about the management website. So let’s start.

A detailed Tutorial on how to Manage a Website in CyberPanel

Login to your CyberPanel dashboard

On the left side menu Click on the option Website. Here you can see the many options for the website

1. Create Website:

If you want to create the website, Click on Create Website

When you click on Create Website, this page will be opened. 

Enter the details according to the options and click on the button Create Website. Here you can see the Additional features, you can tick if you want; otherwise, When the website is created, you can access these features later too.

When you click on the Buton Create Website. The website will be created successfully

2. List Website

Now you can check your website. Just click on the List website

Here, you can see that your website was created successfully 

3. File Manager:

Here you can see the options File Manager and Manage

  • With File Manager, it will give you access to the root file access. You only have to click on your File Manager and it redirects to the public_html/ files of your website

4. Manage Website

Here is another option when you click on List Website: Manage

By clicking on Manage, You can see the dashboard of the website

5. Create Subdomain:

If you create a new domain, just Click on Website-> Create New Domain

By clicking on Create New Domain you can see this page. Here, you can select the website according to the Website and create a subdomain for the website

When you select the site, you can see this: Enter your information, including your domain name, path, and PHP version. In addition, if you do not specify the path, then the domain will be located on the same path if you do not specify it.

Add the details and Click on the Create Domain button

6. List Child Domain:

If you want to check subdomain is created successfully then Click on List Domain

8. Modify Domain:

Next is Modify Website. if you want to modify the website, then just click on Modify website and select the website that you want to modify. If you want to modify the site owner, email, packages, or PHP version, you can do it. 

After Modifying the information, Click on Modify Website

9. Delete Domain:

Next is Delete Website. If you want to delete the website, just click on Delete website and select the website that you want to delete.

Now select Website and Click on Delete Website

Change/Transfer Website Ownership Fri, 24 Nov 2023 16:57:18 +0000 CyberPanel provides an easy way to change the ownership of any website. This can be needed to change the owner to a new account or transfer the site to a different owner.

Steps to change ownership

1. Go to Websites-> Modify Website

2. Select the domain.

3. Choose a new owner

4. Save Changes 

Click on the Modify Website to save the changes

That’s it. The ownership of the domain is successfully changed/transferred

How to delete Child Domain in CyberPanel? Fri, 24 Nov 2023 16:57:18 +0000 CyberPanel version required: v2.1.1 or above, if you are below this version read our old article to manage child-domains.

Deleting a child domain in CyberPanel is now easier than ever. You can delete the child domain from CyberPanel with just a few clicks.

Table of Contents:

  1. Login to CyberPanel
  2. Delete Child Domain

Login to CyberPanel:

Login to your CyberPanel using the credentials. Visit the access URL:


Delete Child Domain:

To delete the child domain, just go to Website->List Child Domains in the left menu of CyberPanel dashboard.

Here you find all of your subdomains. Below every domain, you can find a delete button. Press the Delete button.

A prompt appears in front of you that asks you whether you want to delete the root directory for this child domain or not.

If you check this option, the Document Root (or in simple words, the files for these subdomains) will be deleted as well. However, if you do not check this option, your subdomain will be deleted, but its files will be kept in file-system.
